Multi Solutions Service team in process as a problem solver for our client.

Multi Solutions Service team in process as a problem solver for one of our client.Multi Solutions Service team in prosess as a problemsolver for our client. We are solving our clientes challenges regarding scale in cooling system, vacuum system, different pipe system and also a efficient solver for challenge regarding bacteria and biofilm in drinking water system on rig and ship.

Statement from MPE Cathodic

Multi Bag from Multi Solutions along with our Multi Scale has proven to be the best available solution in the marked today.

Statement from Westcon Yard

Multi Solutions received Reference Statement from Weston Yard for the eco-cleaning operations done with Multi Solutions products.

Cleaning of Swivel Stack for One Subsea in Singapore

Multi Solutions Service personell did Eco-cleaning with Multi Gel on a 27 meter high swivel stack in Singapore at Keppel Fels shipyard in May-June 2016. All operation done by Supervisor and Operators from Multi Solutions. Carbon, Stainless and Duplex steel on the 6 floor swivel stack where cleaned according to customers demand. During operation our […]

Vacuum cleaning at Scarabeo5

Eco-cleaning of Vacuum pipes at Scarabeo5 in July 2016, Multi Solutions Service personell did the eco-cleaning operations with Multi CIP flushing unit. The whole eco-cleaning operation take place during transit of the Scarabeo5.

Multi Solutions Service at MF Leka

Multi Solutions Service at MF LEKA in August 2016 at Slipen Mekaniske

Our service personell in operation at MF LEKA for our coustomer, Torghatten AS.

Successful vacuum system cleaning onboard M/F Oppedal

Long term use of vacuum sewage pipes will result in scale build up that restricts the flow of sewage through the system. When left untreated, the scale build up will over time be so severe that the system blocks up due to the restriction. It’s a very costly and time consuming process to replace affected […]

Certified NS-EN ISO 9001:2008

We, in Multi Solutions, are happy to annouce that our management system meets the requirements of NS-EN ISO 9001:2008. Click link underneath for the certificate. Multi Solutions ISO 9001:2008