Flushing pipe coolers at Hydro Husnes
Multi Solutions successfully flushed the pipe-coolers on the cooling systems for the rectifiers at Hydro Husnes, also known as Søral. The job was a documentation for Hydro Husnes the multi product – MultiScale – did the job, and Multi Solutions have a new satisfied customer in the landbased industry in Norway. The cooler rack and […]
Multi Solutions at Marintec China 2017
Multi Solutions are present at the Marintec China in Shanghai December 5-8. We invite to our booth N2D01, where Atle Falk will represent us, email: atle.falk@multisolutions.no
CPC Engineering our Service Partner in Australia
Multi Solutions is proud to announce it has signed a licensing agreement with CPC Engineering in Australia. CPC Engineering – is a quality service provider, with extended knowledge and its ability to provide professional, efficient and cost effective engineering design, fabrication, construction and maintenance services to its clients. CPC is a leading mid-tier provider of […]
Multi Solutions expands to Asia Pacific region
The management of Multi Solutions is pleased to announce they have incorporated a subsidiary entity in Singapore. Michael Connolly has been appointed as Managing Director and will be supported by the Management Team of Les May, Egil Fallmyr, Atle Falk and Morten Harsvik. The management are extremely excited by this development and have identified significant […]
Roadtrip to the North with Mal Proff Coatings
Mal Proff as cooperative partner with Multi Solutions, did a 5 days Roadtrip to the North of of Norway. We visit a handful of Yards and ship-owners in the North of Norway. We started in Hammerfest with a demo of the Multi Bag system, showing several of our customers how the system works in practice. […]
Eco-cleaning for operations in Australia
Multi Solutions have eco-cleaned the box-coolers inside the seachest to “Polarcus Naila” at Sembawang Yard in Singapore. Vessel`s to be prepared for operations in Australian blue water, require a cleaning which removes all growth and bacteria, prior to operations at the Australian sector. 3 part inspector from Australia approved the cleaning operation executed by Multi […]
Multi Solutions in local media
Multi Solutions had the local newspaper “Kvinnheringen” making an article about the company start. It is for us important to have a local presence, so we where happy to get focus on Multi Solutions in the local media. Link: https://www.kvinnheringen.no/nyhende/bedrifter/husnes/multi-solutions-vinn-stadig-nye-marknadar/s/5-27-49930
Eco-cleaning test for Statoil with MultiScale
Testing MultiScale on backwashfilters at one of Statoil`s fixed platforms. Result from the test showed MultiScale manage to clean the filters effectively. Prior to this test, cleaning the backwashfilters had been a challenge. MultiScale in concentrate, manage to get the filters clean, all the way through the small plugged areas which had been a “hard […]
Re-coating of box-coolers with KINERA and Multi Solutions
Kinera Coating, Germany company Sakaphen and Multi Solutions have started co-operation for getting a complete package to the customer. Kinera Coating see Multi Solutions environmental friendly products as the solution for eco-cleaning the Box coolers prior to re-coating. It is the most cost efficient way for the Norwegian shipowners using this solution. Multi Solutions patented […]
Blue mussels – a challenge to attack
“Skandi Kvitsoy” from DOF fleet have a long period in the blue water along the Norwegian coastline. In these waters there are a big challenge for the cooling system if you have box coolers attacked with the blue mussels. The glue effect from the mussels is heavy, and it require special treatment and knowledge to […]