Propeller cleaning in Freemantle
Multi Solutions Australian office out of Perth, have done a propeller eco-cleaning with MultiBronze in Freemantle area, close to Perth. The first TUG`s propeller eco-cleaning from Multi Solutions in this area, showed a perfect result, leaving out any mechanical treatment on the propeller`s surface. By airless spray-gun, the MultiBronze gel was sprayed on the surface […]
Multi Solutions successfull job on Edda Fides in Singapore
The newly established Multi Solutions Singapore team working in Sembcorp Marine yard onboard the EDDA Fides owned by Eddaaccomodation ltd providing cost effective solutions for eco-cleaning the box coolers. By using Multi Solutions system – MultiBag – the Edda Fides vessel did get a environmental friendly and efficient cleaning operation for all their coolers installed […]
ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 Certified
Multi Solutions provides highly cost and time efficient environmentally, friendly industrial cleaning services. These services are provided for the oil and gas, maritime, onshore and offshore industries using machinery and piping that requires flushing and cleaning. By combining certification against quality and environment, Multi Solutions has put a solid framework in place for documenting all […]
NON TOXIC acid cleaning on high grade Stainless
Multi Solutions just finalized another successfull job at one newly installed Water Treatment System in South of Norway. The MultiScale proven as the most environmental friendly choice for the customer – also proven to give the best cleaning result in terms of quality. Procedures to be followed and operation executed as much as possible according […]
MultiAlu – groundbreaking product for Aluminium
MultiAlu are the new ground-breaking product for pre-treatment og Aluminium prior to coating system. It removes completely the mechanical part of pre-treatment. Use airless spray-gun with the MultiAlu sprayed on the Aluminium – wash off – dry – and you have your best adhesion for the paint. Mechanical strength proven above 20mPa (KIWA test). which […]
Box Coolers with blue mussels attack
Multi Solutions have done another successful eco-cleaning of Box Coolers heavily packed with Blue Mussels on a PSV operating on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). The NCS has a known challenge with blue mussels attack on box cooler systems. With Multi Solutions effective systems and green chemicals, we solve this problem for our customers. Do […]
MultiGel test in Almannajuvet – Norway
Almannajuvet in western part of Norway, close to Sauda, have a pipeline build in the 1930`s. The pipeline was constructed and build by Saudefaldene AS, which is a Norwegian power company established in 1913 for the construction and operation of hydroelectric power stations in Saudavassdraget in Sauda, Rogaland. Saudefaldene. Saudefaldene was purchased by Elkem in 1981. […]
Propeller Eco-cleaning in Batam with MultiBronze
Multi Solutions had their first job done in Batam – Indonesia. Our customer at the local yard where satisfied with result from the environmental friendly product MultiBronze. Highly effective – cost saving solution for the customer, as there are no need for mechanical treatment on the Bronze propeller. No. 2 propeller on the ship where […]
MultiAlu shows groundbreaking results from KIWA testlab
MultiAlu, as our product for pre-treatment of Aluminium prior to painting systems. MultiAlu has shown to be a full-fledged alternative to mechanical pre-treatment. The MultiAlu shows 4 times higher adhesion than the NORSOK and ASTM requirements – and have the best possible result in the corrosion test at the KIWA lab. KIWA / TI is […]
Multi Solutions demonstration in Ålesund – NORWAY 6th – 7th of June
Multi Solutions will have a demonstration with Malproff Coatings in Ålesund – Norway – 6-7 of June 2018. We will demonstrate MultiBag system, and our surface treatment products. Location: Malproff Coatings Ålesund.