Saekaphen and Multi Solutions W.W AGREEMENT
Multi Solutions and SÄKAPHEN have formally teamed up to offer a solution for Eco-cleaning and Re-coating marine box coolers at any location globally.
Multi Solutions AS are expanding and we are looking for a project controller in a newly established position at our main office in Uskedalen.
Box cooler life-extension through eco-cleaning and recoating
MULTI SOLUTIONS team – together with SÄKAPHEN® and VITA Enterprises did a great work in Eco-cleaning, blasting and recoating application of box coolers in Singapore. The collaborative and proactive approach from the entire project team has resulted in another successful delivery of the recoating project. Do not hesitate to contact us for quotes @ […]
Aluminium with MultiAlu
Pretreatment with MultiAlu on aluminium prior to new coating, has proven to be extremely effective in terms of both quality and cost savings. Our MultiService team has so far treated 8 Aluminium vessels before painting. Multi Solutions just received a new delivery of MultiAlu to a new electrical ferry to be delivered in Norway. MultiAlu […]
Recoating of box coolers
Eco-cleaning with Multi Solution products is a well integrated solution we provide successfully worldwide. The coating on box coolers can often be in poor condition after years in harsh environments. Multi Solutions are now able to present a solution for offering recoating at yard/site for our customers.
Re-coating of Box Coolers at Yard
Multi Solutions have successfully re-coated box coolers at shipyard in Western Norway. First we cleaned the box coolers with MultiScale, using our MultiBag system. After removing all the marine growth we got a proper look at the condition of the coating. The coating was in bad condition and we agreed with the vessel owner that […]
New year, New home for Multi Solutions – Singapore!
Beeing in the right location is one of the keys for success. Multi Solutions – Singapore is pleased to announce that with effect from January 1st 2019, Multi Solutions Regional corporate headquarters has moved to a new address: 6 Raffles Boulevard, Marina Square, #03-308, Singapore 039594 Telephone number remains unchanged +65 681 33420
Deluge and Box cooler cleaning on Ferry
For the third time Multi Solutions have successfully cleaned the box coolers on board ferry MF Leka. MF Leka transports cars and passengers across the Norwegian fjords. Heavy marine growth on box coolers and sea chests lead to lower operating efficiency for the engines and increase of fuel consumption. To clean the box coolers we […]
Las Palmas Eco-cleaning with success
Multi Solutions have successfully cleaned 16 Hydroniq rack bundles in Las Palmas. Using MultiScale and our MultiBag system all 16 bundles are now free of marine growth and the whole process was done in an environmentally friendly way. Our Supervisor at site executed the job in accordance with the time frame given from our customer, […]
Aluminium Ferry in West of Norway treated with MultiAlu
Multi Solutions have successfully completed a new aluminium ferry with our milestone product MultiAlu. The aluminium ferries are pre-treated with MultiAlu prior to painting. We aplly the MultiAlu to all aluminium surfaces using an airless spray-gun. The MultiAlu workes for 30-45 minutes before being washed off. We use pressurized air to dry the surfaces and the […]